
The angel for Friday

Angel Anael is considered to be Governor of the Second Heaven, Chief of Principalities, Prince of Archangels and controller of Kingdoms, Love and Fertility, Pleasure and Health. This Angel of Love rules over the Air and the Earth, and the metal copper. Love is the source of all intuition, learning and knowledge, as well as pleasure and joy. We truly know only that which we first love. Anael, as the Angel of Love, brings a secret knowledge and virtue to all those who love others as themselves. Clothing worn on Friday should have green, pink, copper or rose as the major color.

Our intentions on the days and hours of Venus will involve Love, Health, Romance, Fertility, Beauty, Money, Jewelry, Cosmetics, Pleasure and Friendship. The tool of Friday is incense, which is commonly burned through ritual or as an offering of Love to the Infinite unseen forces around us. These forces will bring us all up together for the harmony of the World. If we will forgive, we will be forgiven. Love and Peace, Bliss and Joy, Health and Harmony are yours for the giving and taking on this day.

- 週五生日的守護天使

安 尼爾天使被視為是第二天界的總主管,是天使國度裡的領袖、大天使群的主導者以及天國的統治者,主管愛與豐饒,愉悅與健康。這位愛的天使管轄空氣與土地,還 有銅鐵礦。愛是所有直覺、學習與知識、也是歡愉與喜悅的源頭。我們真切知曉的唯有那我們最初所愛的。愛的天使安尼爾為所有愛他人一如愛自己一般的人帶來了 知識與德行的奧秘。在星期五那天的穿著應該要以綠色、粉紅色、紅銅色或玫瑰色為主色調。

在 金星經過的時日裡,我們的意向會與愛、健康、愛情、豐饒、美、金錢、珠寶、美容、愉悅以及友誼有關。週五的工具是薰香,通常這香氣是透過儀式裡的焚燒、或 是當作一種對於存在我們週遭所看不到的無窮力量的獻供。這些力量會將我們一齊帶到和諧的境界。如果我們寬恕,我們就會被寬恕。愛與和平、祝福與喜悅、健康 與和諧都是你在這天所要給予與接受的禮物。


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    Chance or Fate

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