The angel for Sunday
Thousands of years before the revelations of Copernicus, the Ancients realized that our Sun was at the Center, and the source of all being and existence, - where we come from, and where we will go back to.
The Archangel Michael was worshipped as an early Chaldean god and has come to be recognized by Jewish, Christian and Islamic scholars as the Chief of the Order of Virtue, Chief of Archangels, Prince of the Presence, and Angel of Repentance, Righteousness, Mercy and Satisfaction. This great ruler of the Fourth Heaven came to be considered as the Angel of Sunday, the day of the Sun. Michael serves us as the Angel of the Day when life on earth began.
Sunday, is the beginning of the week and the day to be thankful for the beginning of our creation and for freedom from all the fetters that hath bound us in the past. The Earth's source from the Sun is now believed by science, but was originally a virtue of Ancient Occult Wisdom, and its talents. Our intentions on the day and hours of the Sun should involve attaining Radiant Health, Wealth, Righteousness, Success, Jewels, Creativity, and Illuminations, for ourselves and our neighbor. At our place of worship and in our homes we commonly light candles as tools of our faith on this day.
Yellow, Gold or Orange colors should be worn with gold Jewelry on this day. Righteousness and Success should be kept in mind throughout the day while allowing creativity and illumination to lift all adversity from us - breaking the bonds that keep us from entering the pathway leading into great Affluence and Happiness.
邁可 - 週日生日的守護天使
遠 在哥白尼揭開真相的好幾千年前,先人們就已知道我們的太陽是中心點、也是所有生物以及存在物體的源頭。我們來自於那個源頭,也將回歸於那裡。邁可大天使被 當作是早期迦勒底人(有關占星與巫術)的神祇來崇拜,並被猶太教、基督教、以及伊斯蘭教的學者認為是道德秩序的主管者、大天使團的領袖、精靈之王、懺悔的 天使,象徵公正、慈悲與愉快。這位第四天界的偉大統轄者,被認為是掌管星期日 — 太陽之日的天使。邁可以降臨於生命初始於地球之日的天使之姿,為我們提供服務。
星 期日是一週的開始,也因這天是我們生命的開始、以及將過去裡綑綁著我們的束縛中釋放出來的日子,而令人充滿感恩。地球的源頭來自於太陽已被科學以及科學天 才們所證明,然而這觀念原本是一項有著古老的超自然智慧。在這天太陽經過的時間裡,我們的意向會牽涉到為我們自己、以及鄰人帶來耀眼的健康、財富、正直、 成功、珠寶、創造力和啟發力。在我們禮拜的地方或是在家裡,在這天我們通常會點亮蠟燭來表示我們的信仰。
在這天應穿著黃色、金色或橘色系的衣物,並佩戴金色的飾品。當我們發揮創造力與啟發力時,要將正直與成功時時牢記心中才能脫離困境 - 掙脫那讓我們無法進入通往偉大豐富與滿足之路的束縛。