The angel for Wednesday
Raphael, which means "the shining one who heals," was also an early
Chaldean God who came to be recognized by Jewish and Christian scholars
as the Angel of Healing. This Ruler of the Second Heaven was considered
to be the Guardian of The Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden. Raphael's
attributes are to bring us understanding, knowledge, chemistry, and
medicine. 天使長拉斐爾的意思是“因療癒而耀眼”,祂同時也是早期迦勒底人的神祇,而被猶太教與基督教視為療癒天使。這位第二天界的掌管者被認為是伊甸園裡生命之樹的守護者,拉斐爾的特質是為我們帶來了解、知識、化學與醫學。 拉
藥的象徵、或是在星期三用來當作治療工具的雙手。必須要記住的是:當我們為其他人治療或帶來了解時,我們同時也獲得療癒、並且自己本身也變得有知識。 我們的意向在水星經過的時日裡,應該要專注於智慧、知識、通靈力量、療癒、溝通、創造力與直覺力上。衣著的顏色應該要混搭、或是以紫色/紫羅蘭色為主。應該要佩戴一顆蛋白石或是紫色的礦石、或是混色的飾品。在星期三這天,我們通常會找出在這週裡我們對於日常事務所該知道的事。要能夠明白拉斐爾所象徵的療癒、知識及了解,我們首先要接受它們並且將它們給予其他人 - 這是黃金法則。
Raphael is one of the six great Angels of
Repentance, Prayer, Love, Joy, and Light. This great Angel of Mercury
is the patron of the doctor, scientist, writer, and in any field of
endeavor in the liberal arts or sciences. Raphael has the Caduceus, the
medical symbol, or healing hands as the tool to be used on Wednesday.
One must remember that as we heal and bring understanding to others we
shall also be healed and ourselves become knowledgeable.
intentions on the days and hours of Mercury should involve Wisdom,
Knowledge, Psychic Power, Healing, Communication, Creativity and
Intuition. Colors for clothing should be mixed or purple/violet. An
opal or purple stone, or mixed colored jewelry should be worn. On this
day, we usually find out what we need to know about daily matters
during the week. In order to understand Raphael's attributes of
healing, knowledge, and understanding we must first receive them and
then give them to others, the Golden Rule.
拉斐爾 - 週三生日的守護天使