The angel for Thursday
Sachiel, which means "the covering of God," is of the order of the
Cherubim, resident of the First Heaven. The Angel of Thursday rules
over wealth or affluence and charity, for there is never one without
the other. Sachiel is the Angel that uplifts us by guiding us to
Wealth, Riches, Dignities, and Goods of all kinds together with great
tranquility of mind, for the benefit of all who fear God and do his
will. Sachiel rules over the air, earth, fire, and water. With this
kind of Power, Sachiel is the Patron of the powerful and affluent. One
should dress in blue clothing wearing lapis, turquoise, amethyst or
some type of blue jewelry, tie or scarf. It is a good time to do
affluent things or pursue plans involving wealth building or Charity.
Assured vision comes from oneness with our subconscious.
tool of Thursday is "a helping hand." We must remember that by lending
a helping hand to others opens the way for us to be helped also. As we
uplift others, so shall we be uplifted.
薩基爾 - 週四生日的守護天使
薩 基爾天使的意思是“神的覆蓋”,掌管第一天界天使居民的秩序。這位週四的天使主掌財富、豐足與慈善,因為這些都是息息相關的。為了利益所有敬畏神並行其意 旨的人們,薩基爾是藉由協助我們得到財富、豐饒、高位、以及所有能夠讓心靈獲得極大安穩的財物,來提升我們。薩基爾掌管了風、土、火與水的元素。由於這種 力量,薩基爾是能量以及富饒的守護神。在這天應該要著藍色系的衣物,佩帶寶石、綠松石、紫水晶,或是某種藍色的飾品、領帶或圍巾。星期四也是從事有關豐富 的事物、或是進行有關建立財富或慈善事業的好時機。清晰而肯定的洞察力來自於我們潛意識活動的合一。